Welcome #2020!


Happy new year to everyone! It’s a been a work-intense 2019 and I want to take the opportunity to thank every collaborator, every partner and client for a great past 365 spins with sound and stunning achievements for both sides: all of you and myself.

What will the future decade bring? No one knows, right? Although we have the so-called gurus already piling up the ‘10 groundbreaking trends that will shape the next years’, nobody is really able to claim and foresee what’s gonna happen in these wild, ever-changing tides of time.

However, I could not be more excited having a new year (and possibly a new era) lying ahead, in which we together can find brandnew ways of visual expressions and thus shaping the identities of tomorrow.

Wild times are exciting times. See you on the other side. Until then, keep shooting!

Dennis Honold

Cinematographer and lover of great stories told with light and shadow.